FC ministry groups

Sunday Service is at 10 am every Sunday.  
FaithChurch Student ministry meets each Wednesday night at 7pm for ages 12-19.
Faith Kids meets for Children’s church each Sunday.  They are dismissed after worship service to their room.
Faith Church girls ministry meets each Wednesday night at 7pm for girls ages 5-12.
Royal Rangers is a ministry for boys age 5-12.  They meet at 7 pm each Wednesday night.
We have  Sunday School classes for all ages beginning at 9am every Sunday Morning.
Women of Faith meet in the church fellowship hall  at 6:30 pm on Thursday nights.  There is child care available.
Men of Faith meet at 6:30 pm in the classroom next to the sanctuary doors every Thursday night at 6:30 pm.  Child care is available.
Life Relaunch is a 2-day Life Changing seminar that brings inner healing and revitalization to men and women.   We offer Life Relaunch multiple times each year.  
Wednesday night, Pastor shares a word from his heart in the sanctuary.  It is conversationally based and comments and questions are welcomed.