At Faith Church, we offer Sunday School at 9:00 Sunday mornings, Sunday service at 10:00. We dismiss the children to go to children’s church following the worship service in the Sanctuary. Wednesday we have food and fellowship at 6:00 pm, where we serve a light, usually kid friendly meal, and at 6:30 we dismiss to individual times of ministry by age groups. Toddler/nursery, boys, girls, youth, and adults. Thursday nights we offer Bible study at 6:30 pm. The women meet in the fellowship hall, and the men meet in the in the classroom next to the sanctuary. We are a child-friendly church-bring them along.
Who we are.
We are an authentic, spirit-filled group of people on a journey together. We seek to establish and maintain environments that offer the opportunity to build God’s Kingdom, and assume our share of spreading the good news of Christ by all means available. You can see our simple approach to ministry by clicking 3 E’s of Faith ,or look at our Fundamental Statement of Faith by clicking our 16 Fundamental Truths.
Where we came from.
We are an Assembly of God fellowship. The Assemblies of God was formed in 1914 in Hot Springs Arkansas by a group of people who were eager to see the Kingdom built through believers empowered by the Holy Spirit. In 1996, a group of people met with the vision to have a Kingdom building, spirit-filled church in Conway, Arkansas. Faith Church was incorporated into the Assemblies of God a short time afterward. The vision was simple, worship God Almighty, and to go and make disciples through relationships and teaching.
Where we are going.
We want to continue to build the Kingdom of God right here, over there , and everywhere. Our expectation is pretty simple–Experience Christ – Enrich your life – and Extend God’s love. If you haven’t clicked on it yet, you can find a more detailed explanation of the Three E’s of Faith HERE.
What this means for you.
You are on a journey, and we want to walk that journey with you. If you have found Faith – you have found family. You are greatly loved by God. We want to meet you, and show you the love of God. The Lord has a purpose for you, and He has good things for you. We want to celebrate that with you. Come and Experience Christ- He will Enrich your life – and you will find it easy to Extend God’s love.
Faith Church is located at
1203 N. Museum Road, Conway Arkansas 72032
Phone number 501-327-9094
office hours: Monday-Thursday 9 am-3 pm